

  • Connect Beyond Boundaries: Break down silos and foster a sense of unity among local clubs, trail builders, land managers, guide companies, and riders. We believe that a strong, interconnected community is the key to a thriving mountain biking ecosystem.
  • Empower Advocacy: Explore the potential of organized advocacy and learn from successful models in other states. Uncover strategies to amplify our collective impact, advocate for trail access, and promote sustainable practices.
  • Inspire Trail Innovation: Dive into workshops and discussions that cover topics like adaptive mountain biking, flow trail design, and envisioning the future of Alaska’s mountain biking scene. Gain insights that will fuel your passion for trail development and enhancement.
  • Create Collaborative Solutions: Through interactive sessions, brainstorming workshops, and presentations, we’ll discover ways to enhance collaboration, improve trail building processes, and boost the capacity of local clubs.
  • Build a Stronger Future: Lay the groundwork for a statewide organization that empowers advocacy, resource-sharing, and trail development. With a united voice, we’ll create a lasting impact on policies, funding, and the growth of mountain biking in Alaska.


EVERYONE! All participants will be given time to present about their MTB community. Let us know if you’d like 5 minutes or 30 minutes so we can plan. Please share some history, successes and challenges your community has. Let’s build our statewide network!

SMALL GROUPS AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS! We have set aside times for focused discussions on Youth MTB, Trail Building, Land Managers, and Race Directors.

SEMINARS! Presentations from experts in Adaptive MTB, Trail Signage and Mapping, Liability Risks, Trail Design, and More!